
Undergraduate program

 Based on the various branches of geography, our department allows students to gain an integrated understanding of the mutual interactions between the natural environment and human activity, which are the key constituent elements of an urban area. By having students complete the compulsory basic science subjects and the specialized geography subjects, including field work and practical training in GIS, the division promotes the development of competent people who are able to solve various issues confronting humankind.



 The undergraduate course of our department has been accredited by JABEE as an engineering education program since 2004.

 JABEE is a professional accreditation system whereby an outside organization can fairly evaluate whether programs in engineering education conducted by institutions of higher education such as universities reach the levels expected by society and accredit those programs that reach such levels.

 Established on November 19, 1999, the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) is a nongovernmental organization that examines and accredits programs in engineering education in close cooperation with engineering associations and societies.

.Link: Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE)

For more information

Web Page of Tokyo Metropolitan University