2014年度 博士論文公聴会 2015年1月27日掲載


博士論文公聴会 2015年2月17日(火) 12号館203号室


10:30-12:00 Anzilni Fathia Amasya氏
A study on sclerotia and mesofauna relationships in forest soils described by ectomycorrhizal fungal community profiles


13:00-14:30 瀬戸芳一氏
Daytime local wind patterns based on divergence field over the Kanto Plain in summer and their relationships with local temperature distribution and pressure distribution around Japan


14:40-16:10 牧田広道氏
Recent Caspian Sea level changes and their formation processes


16:20-17:50 石﨑研二氏
Generalization of Central Place Theory Using Mathematical Programming